I wanted to make this survey in order to gather some ideas of what people want from a music magazine and how they feel about them. It is vital that I receive positive and negative feedback so I know what to include more of and vice versa.
As my target audience are genuinely young, the language and tone are relatively informal so they can relate to it further. In addition, the questions make them really think about their answers, which is good as I want them to give answers which are relative as well as helpful.
I have asked questions which cover the main talking points of magazines. For example; "How do you think the internet has affected the readership of original magazines?"
I addition to this, I have also asked questions that cover things such as freebies and posters etc. All of which are things that people of my target audience age would usually like to have within their music magazines.
Connor! You've posted the wrong link! Not impressed. 3/10.